Welcome to Fine Art Pet Portraits from Peter Hanmore Photography!
Nothing pulls at our heartstrings more than the love and companionship we share with our pets. There’s no better way to celebrate those bonds than with beautiful photographic images that can be shared online, on your desk, your walls (or even your vehicle!).
Most of our pets do not enjoy as long a life as people do and are often gone all too soon. Having pet portraits taken, whether in a formal or casual setting, is one of the best ways to ensure that you will always have something special to keep their memories alive. A beautiful piece of wall art or a photo album is the perfect way to ensure you enjoy their portraits for years to come.
Please browse our Studio, Outdoor and Action galleries that showcase some of the awesome animals we have that the pleasure of photographing. If you are considering a portrait session for your pet, please check out our packages for pricing and our FAQ’s for answers to some common questions about the process. Our products page has samples and descriptions of the most commonly requested display options.