Fine Art Products

Canvas Prints

Starting from $75
A canvas print is especially beautiful for large format artwork that you might like to display on your living room or bedroom wall. Although they do not allow the level of detail that a traditional print would, they are generally viewed from a greater distance and they offer that rich canvas surface that gives texture to your image as well as greatly reducing any glare and reflections.

Metal Prints

Starting from $75
High gloss metal prints are a wonderful way to highlight image with rich, vibrant colours. Images are printed directly onto a thin aluminum plate and are very durable.

Framed Prints

Starting at $125

We offer custom framing and matting using a variety of high quality solid woods (oak, cherry, maple and others) finished in your choice of stain and rubbed down with finishing wax for a protective finish with just a slight sheen. Non-glare glass is standard with all our frames. Hanging hardware is included.